Progressive Muslim Education Trust ” PMET” was registered in 1985 with the one point programme of promoting higher and quality education among Muslims of Gujarat. Initially PMET brought 20 poor but talented students from Bharuch villages and admitted them in MMP school in higher secondry classes. Their performance was outstanding and all of them were able to get admission in engineering colleges on merit bases. It also boost result of MMP school. Considering the accommodation issue Munshi family of Manuber built the hostel in 1992. Since inception PMET successfully manged following programmes.
In last five year 11 students adopted by PMET cleared C.A.
Five of them got employment in Saudi Arabia, Malawi, Dubai and USA
Four students became partners in local C.A. firms.
Two got a very lucrative jobs in Mumbai.
PMET plans to produce 70 to 80 CA in next 10 years
Every year PMET distributes Rs12 to Rs 15 lack scholarship to meritius students from all over Gujarat. Since inception PMET has distributes scholarships to about 16,000 students.
Medical programme is managed by Dr. Yusuf Patel. Pateients are provided medical services by Dr. Yusuf and if need be patients are sent to hospitals ; Lokaht and Zainab with whom PMET has special arrangements for substantial discount. Annually Rs 300,000 is attributed for medical services;
Students of grade 6,7 and 8 who secure more than 80% marks are invited for PTSP exam. Average 1500 students participate. First 50 rankers are rewarded scholarship of Rs 1000. From 2017 PMET has adopted 12 students of grade 8th and they have been provided boarding, lodging, schooling etc. Intention is to prepare them for Gifted30 programme.
Under this programme, students who have completed studies but facing employment problems are placed in working environment in their respective fields to get practical experience. During training period PMET pays Rs 2000 stipend and provided with lodging and boarding facilities.
Islamic character building is prim goal as belive in professionals with committed islamic values would help improve image of our future professionals. We have appointed Islamic scholar who come on a daily bases to teach Quran, Salat etc.
The Govt. Of Gujarat provides annual grant to PMET to run a public library in our premises.