Munshi (Manubarwala) family established the Munshi Memorial Charitable Trust in September 1993 with the help and co-operation of some key members of the community. This Trust was started on a non-paying fee basis and for the general social and educational development of the community. The primary motive was to uplift the standards of education, and welfare in the Bharuch h district and surrounding under-developed areas without regards for religious or political differences and affiliations. The aim of the Trust was, and will ever be, to empower the illiterate and unfortunate people of the community to achieve higher standards and set higher personal goals thereby uplifting the standards of the entire community.
Munshi family specially Late Haji Abdurrahim Munshi a scholar of his time, a generous and a man having foresightedness and his younger brother Alhaj Mohammedbhai Munshi took into consideration the necessity and educational demand of the poor and needy people of surrounding area of Bharuch and decided to establish an educational institution to meet the educational needs of the people. In the year 1992 Munshi (Manubarwala) Memorial Charitable Trust came into existence and lighted a lamp in the field of education as it is said that Education is Light. “The same small lamp lighted by Munshi Brothers become a great flower spreading its light of knowledge not only in the surrounding area but also in the whole of Gujarat State eradicating the darkness of illiteracy- by starting various educational institutions preprimary, primary, secondary, higher secondary, B.Ed. College, ITI, MBA College and many courses for women. It has also made a name and contributed a lot in social, occupational and educational fields.
Slum Areas Balwadies
Irfan Munshi Kinder Garten (Eng. Med.)
Irfan Munshi Shishu Vihar (Guj. Med.)
Haji Vali Bapu Dashanwala Primary School (Guj. Med.)
Fatema Ismail Kahanwala Aleef Eng. Med. Primary, Secondary & Higher Secondary (Science Stream) School
Munir Munshi Sarvajanik Secondary School (Guj. Med.)
Late Daud Munshi Higher Secondary School (Science Stream)
Munshi Mahila B.Ed. College
Haji Ismail Adam Kahanwala I.T.I.
D. Y. Patil Institute and Research Centre (M.B.A.)
Munshi Sports Club
Munshi Trust organised different medical camps like Blood donation, Cataract camp, General Diagnostic camp, Orthopaedics camp, Diabetes Camp, Blood pressure camp, Physiotherapy camp etc… at rural places of Bharuch District.
Munshi Trust has opened law price public dispensary “Anjuman-e-Pasban” at Sonery Mahal (Dumwad) Bharuch for the poor people since 2002.
Munshi Trust organise regularly Vaccination Camps for the KG and Primary students in the MMMCT Campus. It also organise health checking camps for all students with the help of Government Medical Department.
Pick up bus stands near Munshi Complex & Mohammedpura, Bharuch.
Toilet blocks in Mohammedpura, Bharuch.
Marvelous High Mast Tower at Mohammedpura to beautify the city area.
The construction of new road on the request of the collector.
Computer room at D.E.O. office Bharuch.
The water huts at public places in the city area.
1,00,000/- [one Lac] given as a relief fund for Kandla cyclonic affected areas.
Financial Assistance given to the Earthquake affected people in Kutch, Bhuj
A colony constructed by Munshi family for the earthquake affected homeless people at village Kavi, Ta. Jambusar.
Construction of Housing Colony at Raghupura (Dist. Baroda) in collaboration with Muslim Aid U.K and Adambhai Raghupurwala (Dewsbury)
Financial Aid to Devla and Itola to avoid water Scarcity.
Benefit of Scholarship has been given to the eligible students to enter Preston College, U.K.
A well equipped “Mobile Education Van” is prepared for providing education to the backward and illiterate primary students of the remote Villages of Vagra Taluka.
Seminars were held for the minority officers
First 10 out standing students of S.S.C. /H.S.C. board Examinations were awarded and felicitated.
English teaching seminar was held for teachers of Gujarati medium. Qualified and trained teachers from Preston College U.K. were invited for this purpose.
Trust runs advance coaching classes for Std. 10th regularly every year.
8th vacation classes are held regularly every year.
A Science fair was arranged.
Constructed bus stop at Mohammedpura, Bharuch
A Kinder garten is being started at the village Vilayat, Ta. Vagra with the inspiration of Bharuch dist. Panchayat
A girls’ High school is started at Jambusar in 2002 jointly by Munshi Memorial Charitable Trust and Sarvajanik Kelavani Mandal Tankari Bhagor, Jambusar.
To provide enough aids during the riots.
To provide required help to buy Lorries, tiles, metal sheets etc.
Two houses were constructed at Kheda by Munshi Trust, in collaboration with Muslim Aid (U.K.).
Beside education the trust also undertakes social and welfare activities like health camp, relief work for those affected natural disasters like floods, earth quake, draught, cyclone, Tsunami and at the time of communal disharmony. During Kandla cyclone the trust provide Rs. 1 lakh for rehabilitation and rescue for those affected. The same way at the time of earth quake in Gujarat the trust came at the rescue of the affected people and built a housing colony with all facilities at the cost of Rs. 50 lakhs at village Kavi for rehabilitation. The devastated flood in Surat city caused misery and destruction in August 2006. The trust donated about 11 lakhs for rehabilitation and made provision for other necessities required.The sole objectives of the economically, socially, educationally backward masses and affected people of the communities. The trust also invested in water and sanitation project in India. The trust constructed 3 water purification tower and develop sanitation and toilet provision in remote villages.Rs. 2.5 Lacs has donated in “AADHAR” relief program to Rotary Club, Bharuch in 2011.